Energy & Chemicals

Analysis on the Market Operation of the Sewage Treatment Industry

There are totally 2,238 operational sewage treatment plants in China’s municipal cities with the sewage treatment capacity of 140 million cubic meters per day. There are 1,472 counties establishing sewage treatment plants in China, accounting for 94.3% of the total number of counties; and there are totally 1,738 sewage treatment plants with the sewage treatment capacity of 30 million cubic meters per day. Status of the Construction of Sewage Treatment Facilities in Cities and Towns Municipal cities and counties (hereinafter referred to as cities and towns except administrative towns) totally…

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Energy & Chemicals

Analysis on Rural Sewage Treatment Market

At present, China’s total sewage treatment capacity has exceeded that of the U.S. However, for the quantity and scale, there are 14,000 sewage treatment plants in the U.S., 1,050 of which are of large scale and 13,950 of which are small-scaled while there are only fewer than 4,000 sewage treatment plants in China. There are 1,667 sewage treatment plants in counties of China while 2,163 in cities. The sewage treatment market is changing, and the major battlefield of China’s sewage treatment market must be in the rural areas. The development…

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