Medical Healthcare

Analysis on In-vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Reagent Industry in China, 2017

Global sales volume of medical technology (including medical apparatus and instruments, diagnostic products) will reach USD 440 billion with a growth rate of 4.4% by 2018. IVD industry holds the largest market share among all subdivided industries. It is estimated that the market share of IVD industry will reach USD 54.5 billion, accounting for 12.4% of the whole market. China’s IVD market will grow 10% in 5 years and its size will exceed USD 10 billion. However, imported instruments and reagents account for over 50% of domestic IVD market. As…

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Logistics & Transport

CAGR of China’s Cold Chain Logistics Industry over 20% During 2017-2021

First, the CAGR of cold chain logistics industry will increase by 20% in the next 3 to 5 years, and the demand for cold-chain equipment will maintain steady growth. The three stages in cold-chain equipment industry, namely, “the first kilometer”, “circulation and transportation” and “the last kilometer”, correspond to the pre-cooling equipment, cold storage equipment, refrigerated trucks/refrigerated container transport equipment, and “the last-kilometer equipment” respectively, of which cold storage and refrigerator truck are among the core equipment links. The “first and the last kilometer” links have large potential development space.…

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